Advertise With

Advertisement Banners

Our advertisement banners are currently served by Google's Adsense Programme. Should you wish to specifically target our visitors, you can do so through a Google Adsense Account. Our website is responsively designed to accommodate Mobile Phone, Tablet and Desk Top PC Screens using the following advertisement banner sizes:

Leaderboard: 728x90
Banner: 468x60
Mobile Banner: 320x50
Large Rectangle: 336x280

Information about advertising privacy can be found in our privacy policy.

Affiliate Programmes

We actively promote online stores associated with our core audience using Affiliate Programmes. These typically pay a small commission in return for lead generation, clicks or sales. News entries featuring Affiliate Referral Links are clearly labelled as "Promotion" in the entry subtitle.

Our preferred agencies are:

Affiliate Window
Affiliate Future
Trade Doubler

Privately hosted affiliate programmes will be assessed on a case by case basis, if the site content is considered appropriate to our core demographic.


RJ Net Concepts - RJNC